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(the “Association”)


McLean Reserve and Cottagers’ Lot

Usage Restrictions and Requirements


The McLean Reserve (Centre Property) owned by the Association is designated as a “managed forest” which provides the Association with substantial relief on property taxes under the Ontario Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program. By managing the Mclean Reserve forest in a responsible manner, the Association benefits from a 75% reduction in municipal taxes.

The Cottagers’ Lot (#209 Eight Mile Point Rd) is a waterfront property owned by the Association on which the Tennis Court Facility is located. Use of the tennis courts are subject to the Association’s Tennis Court Facility Rules and Regulations as approved by the Association Executive. All other areas of the Cottager’s Lot are subject to these Usage Restrictions and Requirements.

The Association is committed to a number of sustainability and compatibility objectives for these properties which include environmentally protecting the Eight Mile Point landscape on a sustainable basis, controlling invasive species, maintaining a healthy outdoor environment, encouraging and maintaining diverse wildlife habitats and protecting and fostering an appreciation for the natural environment.

In order to preserve and protect these properties for the benefit of all members, the Association has in place a number of restrictions and requirements for their use, as described below.

1. The McLean Reserve (Centre Property) and Cottagers’ Lot (#209 Eight Mile Point Rd.) properties owned by the Association (referred to as the “Properties”) are for the exclusive use of Association members in good standing and their direct family members (“Members”). Guests of Members are permitted to use the Properties provided they are accompanied by a Member. No other persons are permitted to use or occupy the Properties except with the express permission of the Association Executive.

Members and guests must comply with and are bound by these Restrictions and Requirements. Members shall ensure that each of their guests confirm their agreement with these Restrictions and Requirements before using the Properties and are responsible for their compliance with these provisions.


2. Members are responsible for compliance by their hired contractors and service providers with all applicable provisions of these Restrictions and Requirements, including those that prohibit dumping and plowing of any materials into the Properties and those that prohibit the removal of any plant material.


3. Members are responsible for any damage to the Properties and/or removal of any dumped or discarded materials that are caused by, or result from the actions of, the Member or any of their guests, contractors or service providers.


4. Use of the Properties by any person is entirely at their own risk. Each individual entering the Properties assumes full responsibility for all injuries and damages which may occur or be sustained in or about the Properties.


5. The use of the Mclean Reserve (Centre Property) is limited to use of the designated marked trails by pedestrians. Cross country skiing and snowshoeing are permitted.


6. Motorized vehicles of any kind are not permitted anywhere on the Properties. This includes snowmobiles, ATV’s, four-wheelers, tractors, motor bikes, scooters, golf carts, etc. Motorized vehicles authorized specifically by the Association Executive for the purpose of carrying out authorized maintenance and trail grooming on the Properties are excepted from this restriction.


7. Non-motorized vehicles are not permitted on the Properties, with the exception of bicycles that are being used on the meadow pathways to cross either of the two north meadows in the Centre Property near Lakeshore Drive.


8. Removal of any plants or plant material, including live, dead or fallen trees/firewood from the Properties is prohibited.


9. Dumping of leaves, grass clippings, brush, plant materials, soil, fill, organics or other similar materials anywhere on the Properties is prohibited.


10. Dumping or discard of any garbage, construction materials or other refuse of any kind or allowing any such material to be blown by wind onto the Properties is prohibited.

11. Driveway plowing, clearing or dumping of snow and/or ice into the Properties is prohibited.

12. Pets must not be allowed to run at large and must be leashed and under control at all times when on the Properties. Any pet excrement must be removed from the Properties and disposed of in a sanitary manner at the Member’s residence. Plastic or other disposal bags must not be left on the Properties or on or along the roadways.

13. No events, gatherings or assemblies of persons or groups of persons for any purpose is permitted on the Properties, with the exception of those of social events, information meetings, annual meetings and other events for Association members that are organized, sanctioned or approved by the Association Executive.

14. No smoking or vaping of any substance is permitted on the Properties. Campfires or burning of any materials are not permitted on the Properties.

15. No alcoholic beverages are permitted on the Properties.

16. Entering the Properties shall constitute agreement by each person entering that the Association and its directors, officers, members, volunteers and agents shall not be liable or responsible for any losses, damages or personal injury or property loss sustained or incurred in connection with or related to the occupation or use of the Properties and that the Association and its directors, officers, members, volunteers and agents shall be fully and forever released, discharged and held harmless by such person from and against any and all claims, demands, damages or rights of action in connection therewith.

17. Any misconduct or violation of these or any other rules established by the Association Executive may result in suspension or ban from the use of the Properties in its sole discretion.

Updated: April 12, 2021

©2024 by Eight Mile Point Community Association. All rights reserved.

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